Jamia Masjid of Las Vegas

Ramadan Schedule

Please donate generously to the Masjid.

Your donation will help cover expenses incurred in keeping up the Masjid as well. Donation boxes are available inside the masjid or contact front office.

“Those Who In Charity Spend Of Their Goods By Night And By Day, In Secret And In Public, Have Their Reward With Their Lord: On Them Shall Be No Fear, Nor Shall They Grieve” (Surah Al-Baqarah: 274)

taraweeh prayers & community iftars

Ramadan is a magical time at Islamic Center of Nevada. We have our prayer halls full every night and many generous members of our community get together to provide iftar for the whole community. Please visit masjid front office to get more information.

Zakat ul Fitr

Zakat ul Fitr is obligatory upon every member of the family including expected child. This year the amount is $15 for each family member. Need to be paid before the conclusion of the Eid prayers. Boxes are available at masjid where you can drop you zakat ul fitr.


8:30 pm
Ramadan Schedule